Automotive Locksmith

Automotive Locksmith

Coast Auto Locksmiths is a mobile automotive locksmith specialist located on the Central Coast of NSW and is fully licenced, qualified and certified with over 25 years automotive locksmithing experience.

There are many advantages of using a dedicated automotive locksmith compared to using a general locksmith. We spend all day, everyday cutting and programing keys, repairing ignitions and opening car and trucks, just by default we are very good at it. 

But that’s not all we do. We also make keys to bikes, buses, boats trucks, tractors and machinery. We carry in our vehicle an extensive range of automotive keys so we don’t waste any time having to return to a shop to grab extra key blanks. We have it all onboard along with a dedicated automotive key machine. 

Coast Auto Locksmiths is an emergency automotive locksmith which means we are available 24hrs, 7 days a week. Just give us a call to see how quick we can come out to resolve your key problem.

Transponder Key Information

Transponder keys for car have been around since the mid 90s and became standard in most cars from 2000 onwards. There are some exception and still today some car are imported to Australia with no immobiliser system or transponder key setup. 

Motorbikes with an engine capacity of 250cc or less generally don’t have a transponder key either. Scooters however mostly will depending on the make.

Trucks are hit and miss and it will depend on the year, make and model. Trucks with lost transponder keys can be complex to produce new keys. We always encourage all vehicle uses to have a spare key cut if they are down to their last key. The price for a spare key can be a fraction of the cost of making new keys to car in an all keys lost situation.

Get a Copy of a Transponder Key Today!

Most cars these day have a remote flip key but many of my customers didn’t realise that they can just get a non remote key without the remote for there spare key. This is particularly popular amongst surfers as I can often give them a non remote transponder key without buttons so they can take it into the surf with then. Though it’s important that a glass transponder chip is used when cloning.

Unfortunately more and more cars require the remote to unlock the car or the alarm will be activated and will continue to alarm if the car is disturbed. Some cars will deactivate the alarm on startup. 

The good news is that after-market keys are in abundance for many car and are generally much cheaper than a genuine key from the car dealer.

Give us a call or click on to the quick quote page and we can give you a quote on a new replacement or spare key.  

How Long Will it Take to Get a Spare Car Key cut and Programmed?

Most spare remote keys can be cut and programmed on the spot, usually within 30 minutes.

Why Chose Us?

  • Fast and Reliable – We provide fast and reliable locksmith service at a time that suits you.
  • We come to you anywhere on the Central Coast, even if you have a terrible driveway or down a dirt road. 
  • Round-the-clock-service –  We’re available round the clock to help you get going again. 24/7 Emergency Service. 

Why Chose Us?

We’re passionate locksmiths having worked in the industry for over 25+ years looking after thousands of Central Coast residences.

Industry-Leading Experience

We cover an extensive range of automotive locksmith services on the Central Coast

Extensive Product Range

We cover an extensive range of automotive locksmith services on the Central Coast

Affordable Pricing

Our prices are much lower than most dealerships


We love what we do and do it well!

24/7 Emergency Service

As locals, we offer 24/7 emergency service anywhere on the Central Coast and surrounding areas so when you're stuck on your race to work, we're nearby to get you sorted!

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